Seperti di desa tua lainnya di Lebong, bentuk dan ornament yang ada di bangunan rumah-rumah penduduknya hampir sama.
Ornament yang terdapat pada rumah-rumah penduduk asli orang Rejang terdiri dari 2 (dua) kelompok. Jenis (kelompok) pertama merupakan bangunan rumah berornamen dan memiliki seni arsitektur bernilai tinggi yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan status social dan keberadaan pemiliknya.
Rumah rumah serupa juga bisa ditemukan di desa Kota Donok. Pada umumnya, rumah asli penduduk Rejang terbuat dari bahan kayu yang berkualitas tinggi. Rumah yang terbuat dari bahan kayu (papan) tersebut mampu bertahan hingga ratusan tahun dan sampai sekarang masih utuh. Rumah-rumah tua itu selalu dihiasi dengan ornament seni yang tinggi, meskipun terlihat sangat sederhana.
Misalnya di bagian risplang rumah. Selalu dihiasi dengan ukiran penuh dengan simbol-simbol flora seperti daun, bunga atau lainnya. Demikian pula di bagian dinding rumah—terutama di bagian depan selalu dihiasi dengan ukiran dari papan, yang kemudian ditempelkan dinding kayu (menyatu).
Ciri khas ornamen klasik dengan arsitektur bernilai seni tinggi pada rumah orang Rejang mengisyaratkan status sosial pemiliknya. Ciri khasnya adalah pemasangan papan pada dinding dilakukan secara berdiri, di bagian dinding depan rumah biasanya hanya ada dua jendela dan sebuah pintu berukuran besar. Rumah orang Rejang seperti itu, biasanya memiliki ruang tamu di bagian depan yang cukup besar (beranda) .
Ciri khas lainnya rumah asli orang Rejang adalah bertingkat dan mempunyai karakter tinggi dengan tiang-tiangnya disertai bentuk rumahnya yang membujur (empat persegi panjang). Ada yang memanfaatkan tingkat bawah sebagai temat kumpul-kumpul keluarga sehari-hari dan ada yang tidak memanfaatkannya. Artinya dibiarkan kosong dan biasanya dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan. Misalnya untuk menyimpan bahan kayu bakar, kandang sapi, kandang ayam atau menyimpan bahan-bahan bangunan lainnya.
Rumah-rumah tua ini hampir semuanya dilengkapi kamar mandi di bagian belakang lengkap dengan pancurannya beserta tempat menyimpan berbagai alat-alat pertanian dan menggantung pakaian kerja. Karena, kalau diletakkan di ruang kamar mandi yang serbaguna itu, akan mudah untuk dicuci (dibersihkan).
Dulunya, rumah-rumah asli Rejang itu, walau papan lantainya sudah demikian mengkilat karena selalu di-pel, sebagian pemiliknya yang mampu akan menambahkan alas lantainya berupa paran (tikar anyaman dari rotan atau kulit bambu yang tua dan pilihan). Paran itu juga dianyam dengan tambahan ukiran sedemikian rupa.
Rumah-rumah itu memiliki plapon yang juga terbuat dari bahan kayu (papan) pilihan, sehingga di atasnya dimanfaatkan untuk tempat menjemur atau mengeringkan biji kopi. Menyimpan hasil perkebunan lainnya, seperti pisang, nangka dan buah-buahan lainnya.
Bangunan rumah asli orang Rejang memang sudah sedemikian maju dan itu menandakan pengetahuan orang Rejang terhadap design bangunan rumah sudah demikian tinggi. Karena, sebuah bangunan rumah mereka, sudah lengkap dengan ruang-ruangnya. Ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, ruang bermusyawarah, kamar tidur, kamar gudang (tempat beras dan lainnya), dapur, kamar mandi (ruang kamar mandi), ruang menyimpanan berbagai hasil pertanian dan sebagainya. Ruangan-ruangan ini dipisahkan oleh dinding papan yang dibuat sedemikian rupa.
Arsitektonik (architectonic) : struktur logis yang diberikan oleh akal (terutama melalui pemanfaatan pembagian berlipat-dua dan berlipat tiga), yang harus digunakan oleh filsuf sebagai rencana untuk mengorganisasikan isi sistem apa pun.
Jenis Bangunan : Rumah Panggung
Fungsi : tempat tinggal
Tempat berlindung dr cuaca dan hewan buas
Tempat berlindung dari banjir
Pondasi : Bahan : Kayu
Fungsi : Sebagai penopang struktur bangunan
Ukuran : diameter : 50 cm
tinggi : 1.5 meter
Fungsi bagian bawah rumah panggung
Sebagai gudang
Sebagai tempat menyimpan kayu bakar, hasil pertanian dan perkebunan
Tangga : Bahan : Kayu medang kemuning
Jumlah anak tangga : Selalu ganjil
Alasannya : didasari makna/pengertian dan hitungan tangga, takik, tunggu, tinggal. Bilangan yang jatuh pada hitungan bilangan takik kat dan tinggal menurut kepercayaan mereka akan membinasakan rumah itu sendiri. Missal takik berarti hancur dan tinggal berarti tak ada yg bersedia menjaga di rumah itu
Bagian atas rumah panggung :
Panjang berendo selebar rumah. Lantainya lebih rendah depicing (selangkah dari bagian dalam). Berendo memiliki fungsi social (tempat berbincang pagi dan sore dengan tamu dan tetangga akrab, menegur orang lewat, bermain ank-anak), fungsi ekonomis (tempat menukang, membuat alat transportasi), dan tempat menjemur pakaian.
Umeak Danea
Merupakan bagian ruang dalam paling depan. Umeak dana ini berfungsi sebagai tempat menerima tamu, musyawarah, tempat duduk para bujang waktu bersyair, dan tempat duduk tamu anak gadis.
Merupakan tempat tidur orang tua, juga terdapat pemenyap atau tempat menyimpan barang berharga dan tikar.
Loteng di atas pedukuak dan R. menyambei. Merupakan ruang tidur anak gadis dan tempat mereka menyambut tamu teman perempuannya. Tangga untuk naik ke geligei dapat di naik-turunkan. (lihat gambar potongan A-A)
Ruang menyambei
Merupakan ruangan tempat perempuan menyambei. Ruangan ini dibatasi dengan sekat berupa jendela tak bertutup. Gang yang terdapat di ruang ini merupakan jalan menuju dapur (lihat gambar potongan A-A)
Merupakan tempat untuk memasak, berdiang, dan tempat makan.
Bagian dari dapur, dekat tangga luar belakang. Ga-ang merupakan ruang terbuka seperti berendo. Berfungsi tempat mencuci, menyimpan air, dan menjemur bahan makanan. Lantainya terbuat dari bambu bulat, sehingga waktu mencuci, air langsung mengalir ke bawah. Di ujung ga-ang terdapat Kepato Lesat Buluak Bioa (rak-rak tempat perian dan bambu air)
susunan dan fungsi ruang ini sangat ditaati oleh masyarakat Rejang. bagi mereka, malanggar susunan dan fungsi ruang pada rumah ini sama dengan melanggar adat istiadat.
Lantai : Bahan : papan kayu
Dinding : Bahan : kayu
Ukiran : simbol-simbol flora seperti dedaunan dan bunga
Alasan : menurut kepercayaan agar diberi kemudahan dalam bertani dan berkebun dan memiliki keindahan dan kenyamana
Pilar/tiang : Bahan : Balok Kayu
Ukuran : 50 cm
Fungsi : Penopang struktur kuda-kuda
Pintu : Bahan : kayu medang kemuning
Ukiran : simbol-simbol flora seperti dedaunan dan bunga
Alasan : menurut kepercayaan agar diberi kemudahan dalam bertani dan berkebun dan memiliki keindahan dan kenyamanan.
Fisik Pintu :
Jendela dan ventilasi/bukaan : Bahan : Kayu
Fungsi : Sebagai sirkulasi udara
` Ukiran : simbol-simbol flora seperti dedaunan dan bunga
Alasan : menurut kepercayaan agar diberi kemudahan dalam bertani dan berkebun dan memiliki keindahan dan kenyamanan.
Jendela Ventilasi/bukaan
Plapon : Bahan : Papan Kayu
Fungsi : sebagai tempat mengeringkan biji kopi dan menyimpan hasil perkebunan dan pertanian
Lisplank : Bahan : Kayu
Ukiran : simbol-simbol flora seperti dedaunan dan bunga
Alasan : menurut kepercayaan agar diberi kemudahan dalam bertani dan berkebun dan memiliki keindahan dan kenyamanan.
Atap : Bahan : ijuk enau atau sirap
Fungsi : malindungi dari hujan dan terik matahar
Minggu, 03 Januari 2010
Architectonics: Foundations in Jewellery
Management: Mike Holmes and Elizabeth Shypertt
Place: Velvet da Vinci
(San Francisco, United States)
05-Sep-2007 - 07-Oct-2007
Rachel Hearne
Bracelet: The Lowry Centre 2006
Tagua nut (vegetable ivory), shibuishi
Martin Rees, Ring, 2006
Martin Rees
Ring: Gateway Transport Interchange 2006
Gold, steel
Rachel Hearne
Bracelet: The Lowry Centre, 2006
Tagua nut (vegetable ivory), shibuishi
Colette Hazelwood, Brooch, 2006
Colette Hazelwood
Brooch: Manchester Guardian Underground Tunnels 2006
(Oxidised) silver, steel, nylon and concrete
Samantha Mills, Bracelet, 2006
Samantha Mills
Bracelet: Daily Express Building 2006
Stainless steel, laser etching
Lisa Thornton, Necklace, 2006
Lisa Thornton
Necklace: City of Manchester Stadium 2006
Gold, silver
Heather Skowood, Ring, 2006
Heather Skowood
Ring: Strangeways Prison 2006
Silver, pearls
"Architectonics: Foundations in Jewellery" a Manchester Jewellers Network Exhibition, is an
exhibition inspired by Manchester's unique architecture. The exhibition highlights Manchester's
regeneration development boom that is currently changing the face of Manchester and its
thriving art jewelry scene.
Architecture and jewelry can be seen as a document of human history through which we can
examine ourselves. By looking at the buildings people create and how they adorn themselves,
we have greater insight into what they value and how they live.
Architectonics, by definition, is the scientific study of architecture or things relating to
architecture. "Architectonics: Foundations in Jewellery," therefore is a study of architecture
through contemporary jewelry. The work created in this exhibition is inspired directly by themes
and aesthetics taken from existing buildings or structures in Manchester. Inspired by
architecture the artists are challenging our ideas of jewelry and, conversely, architecture.
One artist, Rachel Hearne, uses tagua nut in her work, drawing on the history of the Lowry Center
Site where tongau nuts were used as spools for the textile industry. Where as traditionally
jewelry symbolizes wealth and status, the use of alternative materials in this exhibit shifts ideas
of adornment to concepts of work.
Martin Rees: Gateway Transport Interchange
Tara Kirkpatrick: B of the Bang
Colette Hazelwood: Manchester Guardian
Underground Tunnels
Eddie Grundy: Manchester Town Hall
Toby Cotterill: Castlefield Railway Viaduct
Samantha Mills: Daily Express Building
Lisa Thornton: City of Manchester Stadium
Rachel Hearne: The Lowry Centre
Melissa Hansom: Manchester Royal Exchange
Heather Skowood: Strangeways Prison
Exhibition Co-ordinator: Samantha Mills
Exhibition Concept: Heather Skowood
Place: Velvet da Vinci
(San Francisco, United States)
05-Sep-2007 - 07-Oct-2007
Rachel Hearne
Bracelet: The Lowry Centre 2006
Tagua nut (vegetable ivory), shibuishi
Martin Rees, Ring, 2006
Martin Rees
Ring: Gateway Transport Interchange 2006
Gold, steel
Rachel Hearne
Bracelet: The Lowry Centre, 2006
Tagua nut (vegetable ivory), shibuishi
Colette Hazelwood, Brooch, 2006
Colette Hazelwood
Brooch: Manchester Guardian Underground Tunnels 2006
(Oxidised) silver, steel, nylon and concrete
Samantha Mills, Bracelet, 2006
Samantha Mills
Bracelet: Daily Express Building 2006
Stainless steel, laser etching
Lisa Thornton, Necklace, 2006
Lisa Thornton
Necklace: City of Manchester Stadium 2006
Gold, silver
Heather Skowood, Ring, 2006
Heather Skowood
Ring: Strangeways Prison 2006
Silver, pearls
"Architectonics: Foundations in Jewellery" a Manchester Jewellers Network Exhibition, is an
exhibition inspired by Manchester's unique architecture. The exhibition highlights Manchester's
regeneration development boom that is currently changing the face of Manchester and its
thriving art jewelry scene.
Architecture and jewelry can be seen as a document of human history through which we can
examine ourselves. By looking at the buildings people create and how they adorn themselves,
we have greater insight into what they value and how they live.
Architectonics, by definition, is the scientific study of architecture or things relating to
architecture. "Architectonics: Foundations in Jewellery," therefore is a study of architecture
through contemporary jewelry. The work created in this exhibition is inspired directly by themes
and aesthetics taken from existing buildings or structures in Manchester. Inspired by
architecture the artists are challenging our ideas of jewelry and, conversely, architecture.
One artist, Rachel Hearne, uses tagua nut in her work, drawing on the history of the Lowry Center
Site where tongau nuts were used as spools for the textile industry. Where as traditionally
jewelry symbolizes wealth and status, the use of alternative materials in this exhibit shifts ideas
of adornment to concepts of work.
Martin Rees: Gateway Transport Interchange
Tara Kirkpatrick: B of the Bang
Colette Hazelwood: Manchester Guardian
Underground Tunnels
Eddie Grundy: Manchester Town Hall
Toby Cotterill: Castlefield Railway Viaduct
Samantha Mills: Daily Express Building
Lisa Thornton: City of Manchester Stadium
Rachel Hearne: The Lowry Centre
Melissa Hansom: Manchester Royal Exchange
Heather Skowood: Strangeways Prison
Exhibition Co-ordinator: Samantha Mills
Exhibition Concept: Heather Skowood
Architectonic Jewerly
b y P a t r i c k K a p t y
Masa-masa awal gerakan perhiasan studio di AS melihat munculnya tiga sikap utama ekspresi gaya dalam perhiasan: bio-morphism, primitivisme, dan konstruktivisme. Bio-gaya morfik didasarkan pada bentuk-bentuk organik, dan termasuk unsur pertumbuhan atau perubahan. Primitivist gaya yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh seni dan kerajinan dari apa yang disebut orang-orang primitif, terutama Afrika dan budaya Mezo-american.
Seni Smith, Amerika Serikat,
bros kuningan dengan teroksidasi
bagian, contoh bio-morphism
Sam Kramer, USA
anting-anting perak dengan pirus dan batu bulan
contoh bio-morphism
Gaya yang konstruktivis alias gaya rasional lebih terstruktur dan formal, dan didasarkan pada bentuk linear dan geometri. Arsitektonis perhiasan adalah himpunan bagian dari konstruktivis perhiasan.
William Spratling, Taxco,
tombol perak
contoh primitivisme
"Arsitektonis" didefinisikan di Webster's Third New International Dictionary sebagai, "memiliki struktur yang terorganisasi dan rasional kualitas arsitektur." (G & C Merriam Co, USA, p.113) arsitektonis perhiasan terbaik dapat digambarkan sebagai orang yang linear, geometri, dan tiga-dimensi. Perhiasan telah sering dibandingkan dengan patung, tetapi dalam miniatur. Arsitektonis perhiasan dapat dikatakan mikro-arsitektur. Arsitektonis perhiasan bukanlah kebangkitan arsitektur-perhiasan di mana motif arsitektur tindih dalam bentuk perhiasan datar hanya dengan cara sebagai motif dekoratif. Arsitektonis perhiasan juga tidak perlu perhiasan yang dirancang oleh arsitek, meskipun banyak arsitek telah merancang perhiasan dalam gaya ini.
Beberapa perhiasan studio Amerika awal elemen-elemen menampilkan gaya arsitektonis. Margaret de Patta bekerja di gaya geometris analitis yang sering termasuk berbagai tingkat kedalaman untuk menyampaikan rasa tiga-dimensi. Banyak dari 'optik' komposisi meliputi transparan buram gemstones atas bahan yang pada dasarnya 'jendela' ke dalam struktur-struktur yang mendasari komposisi nya. Irena Brynner sering digunakan bentuk tiga dimensi yang membangkitkan elemen arsitektur, seperti halnya toko perhiasan California selatan, Everett MacDonald.
Peter Macchiarini, Amerika Serikat,
bros perak, tembaga, kuningan,
contoh konstruktivisme
Mirjam Salminen, Finlandia,
gelang perak dengan batu
Di antara Skandinavia bekerja di arsitektonis gaya, paling menonjol adalah Bent Exner dari denmark, dan Sigurd Persson dari Swedia. Exner's menakjubkan konstruksi dari 60-an dan 70-an memiliki keteraturan struktur molekul, dan kadang-kadang mencakup unsur-unsur kinetik. Sigurd Persson yang menjulang cincin dari awal 60-an adalah contoh flamboyan gaya arsitektonis, meskipun karyanya juga ditampilkan motif yang diambil dari alam. Desain gelang (yang ditampilkan di sini) oleh Mirjam Salminen Finlandia dari tahun 1960-an pada dasarnya adalah arsitektonis dalam gaya.
Wiwen Nilsson, Swedia
anting-anting perak
Sigurd Persson, Swedia
bros perak dengan enamel hitam
Mungkin yang paling penting dan berpengaruh desainer perhiasan bekerja di gaya arsitektonis Frederich Becker dari Jerman. Becker bekerja sering kali berisi elemen optik dan kinetik, dan desain dieksekusi di stainless steel dan batu permata sintetis dari akhir 70-an sampai awal 90-an adalah ekspresi murni arsitektonis di perhiasan.
anting-anting perak dengan batu akik
Hans Appenzeller, Belanda,
anting-anting perak
Dari dua puluh lima tahun studio Amerika perhiasan, karya Helen syirik di tahun 70-an dan 80-an datang ke pikiran sebagai arsitektonis disangkal. Shirks perhiasan dari periode ini adalah inti dari presisi geometris, dan sering kali tiga-dimensi. Perhiasan Daud Tisdale dari tahun 80-an dan seterusnya juga mengandung unsur-unsur arsitektonis gaya, dan juga termasuk penyelidikan warna dan bahan-bahan yang tidak biasa. Lainnya bekerja di gaya arsitektonis termasuk toko perhiasan kontemporer Eva Eisler, Deborah Aguado, dan Zack Peabody. Eisler, seorang arsitek, menghasilkan serangkaian desain perhiasan pada 1990-an yang dilaksanakan bersama oleh ketegangan sendirian. Aguado sering digunakan arsitektonis motif dalam pekerjaannya, terutama dalam serangkaian desain perhiasan yang berjudul 'Hoists' yang mencakup unsur-unsur dalam karya ditangguhkan. Peabody's desain mirip dengan merek arsitektur modern di mana satu-satunya dekorasi adalah unsur-unsur struktural terang-terangan. Judul seperti 'Bros 348', dan bahan-bahan yang mencakup stainless steel dan niobium lebih lanjut kesan dari ketepatan teknik dan arsitektur di Peabody perhiasan.
Elis Kauppi, Finlandia,
cincin perak
Bent Knudsen, denmark,
gelang perak dengan batu akik
Meskipun arsitektonis perhiasan dapat ditafsirkan sebagai suatu usaha untuk menemukan rasionalitas, dan keamanan, dalam kekacauan hidup sehari-hari, lebih tepat itu harus dilihat sebagai sebuah bentuk murni penyelidikan dalam tiga dimensi tanpa beban dari motif asosiatif dilihat di lebih gaya sastra perhiasan.
Beberapa karya referensi:
Utusan Modernisme: Amerika Perhiasan Studio 1940 - 1960
Finlandia Silver
Denmark Jewelry
Perhiasan waktu kami: seni, perhiasan dan obsesi
Frederich Becker: Schmuck, Kinetik, Objekte
Bent Exner: Smykker
Salah satu dari Jenis: American Art Jewelry Hari Ini
Schmuck der Moderne: Modern Perhiasan 1960 - 1998
Perhiasan Architects
Sigurd Persson: En Mastare Aku Formulir
The Gate, Abu Dhabi by Arquitectonica
All images and information courtesy of Arquitectonica. Copyright by desMena.
The gate is a residential development designed by Arquitectonica for Abu Dhabi’s new district emerging on Reem Island just next to the current city centre.
Design Intent
The site constitutes the visual gateway to a new city. Two access boulevards cross it linking the city to an island enclave of residences shops offices and hotels. The urban significance of the site requires a corresponding architectural response.
A monumental portico is created by four residential towers linked by a suspended transom. The towers are gently tapered creating a sculptured profile against the sky. They create a series of tapered arches that frame the skies beyond. The towers are textured by projecting balconies in a staggered pattern reminiscent of a shimmering sea. The glass balustrades will add an additional dimension to this effect as reflection and transparency merge to create a painterly effect. The balconies also convey the residential content of the piers and add shadows and depth to their surface. A center core provides structural rigidity. The core is split into two passenger elevator zones with independent lobbies leading to units. This mechanism reduces distance of travel to the unit and conveys exclusivity and intimacy.
A common service core services both zones for efficiency. The transom contains the amenities for the residents. It contains a fitness center/ spa, rooftop pool, business center, movie screening room, cyber library/billiard room, restaurant and party room. These functions are shared by the towers and linked by a series of bridges that ring that three oculi. These elliptical voids are placed between the towers like giant skylights casting a sculpted shadow and light effect on the structures below.
Standing proud of the portico is an elliptical point tower. It houses offices, and apartments vertically stacked around a center core. Elliptical shape reduces wind resistance and its perimeter columns provide a tube structure effect. Within the elliptical form the spaces are organized orthogonally. Certain rooms cantilever beyond the elliptical skin. From the exterior they form a series of vertical bands that emphasize the vertical thrust of the tower. From within they create a series of spaces that project into space. Giant bay windows become rooms in the sky.
Conference rooms, living rooms, executive offices with the ultimate three-sided corner condition.
The towers emerge from a podium. The podium contains a retail ground floor that lines the broad boulevard sidewalks.
Parking garages above grade add dimension to the podium. They are clad in a mesh to be lit from behind at night projecting a glow above the lively retail shop-fronts and their signage. Additional parking is provided in the basement.
The podium roof becomes an expansive green space. This elevated park spans all three blocks and is connected by bridges. There are five elliptical swimming pools each clad in different color mosaics: blue, gold, emerald green, black and white. They will light up like crystalline jewels at night. The lighting scheme of the pools is complemented by that of the buildings. The residences will glow from within but the transom will light up like a golden beam suspended in midair and moving horizontally towards the water. The vertical bands in the tower will also light up and in contrast emphasizing vertical movement.
Project Description
An eight tower complex which marks the visual gateway to the southern entrance of a large residential mixed-use development. The complex includes five 62-story and two 31-story residential towers and one 83-story mixed residential/commercial-use tower with a total of over 4,600 residential units with requisite underground parking, gardens and event terraces. This plot represents a total of more than 1 million sq m of development space.
Technical, environmental or social advancements
The elliptical shape of T1 & T2 reduces wind resistance and its perimeter columns provide a tube structure effect. Within the elliptical form the spaces are organized orthogonally. Certain rooms cantilever beyond the elliptical skin and from within they create a series of spaces that project into space. Giant bay windows become rooms in the sky. Conference rooms, living rooms, executive offices with the ultimate three-sided corner condition. The center core arrangement and elliptical plan provides a unique office floor plate with an excellent ratio of window to usable space. The expansive views and unique floor plate define a prestige office.
T7-T8 are curvilinear buildings organized into multiple cores. This arrangement allows for the introduction of a series of multi-story windows. These openings allow air flow and serve as airborne common areas for the residents, with expansive views beyond.
Parking podium with retail facing both outward, to enliven the street, and inward providing essentials for residents and workers. Parking garages are clad in a mesh to be lit from behind at night projecting a glow above the lively retail shop-fronts and their signage. The podium roof becomes and elevated park spanning all three blocks and connected by bridges.
Project Details
Total Area — Square feet / square meters:
Residential 11,050,800 SF / 920,900 SM
Retail: 178,600 SF / 16,600 SM
Office: 1,272,000 SF / 106,000 SM
Total: 12,501,400 SF /1,043,500 SM
Number of stories/ Height — feet / meters:
Tower 1,Office/Residential 83-story 2,120,490 SF / 197,000 SM
Tower 2, Residential, 62-story 1,174,000 SF / 109,000 SM
Tower 3 Residential, 62-story 1,204,000 SF / 111,800 SM
Tower 4 Residential, 62-story 1,174,000 SF / 109,000 SM
Tower 5 Residential, 62-story 1,204,000 SF / 111,800 SM
Tower 6 Residential, 62-story 1,174,000 SF / 109,000 SM
Tower 7 Residential, 31-story 1,571,800 SF / 146,000 SM
Tower 8 Residential, 31-story 1,434,600 SF / 133,300 SM
The Gate
Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sorouh Real Estate Development
PO Box 93666
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Design Architect
801 Brickell Avenue Suite 1100
Miami, Florida 33131
Partners-in-Charge of Design
Bernardo Fort Brescia, FAIA
Laurinda Spear, FAIA
Project Director
Peter Brannan
Project Manager
Matthew McCallum
Architect of Record/Technology Design Firm
National Engineering Bureau
PO Box 26644
Dubai, UAE
Associate Architects/Program Manager/Prime Consultant
R W Armstrong / A2SO4
Union Station
South Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46225-1193
Interior Designer
Arquitectonica Studio
Hyder Consulting
Ian Banham and Associates
R W Armstrong
Ove Arup
Ove Arup
Cost Estimating
Davis Langdon Arabian Gulf
Lerch and Bates
Environmental Consultant
Architectural Energy Corporation
Façade Engineer
Hyder Consulting
Arquitectonica GEO
Life Safety Engineering
Ove Arup
Quick Success
Arquitectónica—the name means "architectural" in Spanish—was responsible for placing Miami on the contemporary architectural map. In 1982, when the firm was only five years old, its row of fashionable condominium towers was completed on Brickell Avenue, and the people who could afford the $400,000 per unit could not move in fast enough. One of these towers, the Atlantis, became an icon—Miami's answer to an Eiffel Tower—partly due to its weekly appearance on the popular television show Miami Vice, This $11 million project was preceded by townhouses in Houston, a theater in Key West, an art gallery in Philadelphia, and an amusement park in Nigeria. Arquitectonica had its origins in the collaboration on the Pink House of Laurinda Spear and Bernardo Fort-Brescia, who would later become founding members of the firm, as well as husband and wife. As a student Spear, with the Dutch architect Ren Koolhaas, had received a Progressive Architecture award for the Pink House design in 1975; after Spear and Fort-Brescia's revisions, it was built in 1978 and received worldwide attention. The firm was overwhelmed with commissions by 1982.
Young Firm
The original firm was made up of a group of architects from Ivy League schools who were either friends or spouses. Spear, Fort-Brescia, and the other founder, Hervin Romney, were all in their thirties when they established the firm. They established a base in Miami, but to achieve their goal of becoming an inter-national firm they put satellite offices in Lima, Peru; Paris; and Hong Kong.
Flamboyant Style
Arquitectonica, and its lead designers Spear and Fort-Brescia, rejected some themes of the day, especially the historical eclecticism of postmodernism. Like the modernists, they preferred un-precedented, innovative structure, shocking viewers with bright primary colors, mirrors, and abstract geometric shapes with no references to the past. Their style has been called flashy and fantasy like. The prominent architect Philip Johnson described the firm as "the gutsiest team in the business."
Atlantis on Brickell
The Atlantis on Brickell is an arresting sight, with a thirty-seven-foot hole cut out of the middle of the mirrored rectangular building. The cut-out box frames a bright red spiral staircase, yellow walls, and a huge palm tree. Each side of the building is different, but they are all balanced visually with a red triangular roof on one side and yellow triangular balconies on the opposite side. The building holds ninety apartments and six duplexes on twenty floors. Four of the floors open to the cut-out space, which contains a whirl-pool, a hot tub, and a tremendous view. The bold, fun building set a new style for Miami Beach.
In Dade County, Florida, in 1988 Arquitectonica redefined American courthouse architecture with its first public building. Not wavering from its modernist stance, the firm designed the courthouse in an abstract style, with skylights, checkerboard floors, trapezoidal windows, and colors such as turquoise and purple. In an unmistakable nod to the Miami Moon motel a mile to the south, the firm placed three crescent-shaped windows in the roadside elevation. Local materials—stucco and tile—were used. Unlike the postmodernists, how-ever, Arquitectonica refused to make regional context a prominent feature of its buildings, instead striving for a classicism that could be repeated in any locale. Fort-Brescia describes the firm's idea of regional architecture: "We do want to create buildings that belong to Miami, but we don't want to imitate past architecture to be contextual. Our buildings try to capture a more intangible spirit of the place. That's what makes them timeless," In 1995 the firm competed against the postmodernist architect Michael Graves in a design competition for a $330 million skyscraper in Times Square in New York City; Arquitectonica won with a forty-seven-story glass tower.
Charles Gandee, "Plunging Ahead," Vogue, 185 (August 1995): 22.6-231, 272;
Sidney Le Blanc, 20th Century Architecture (New York: Watson-Guptill, 1993);
Paul M. Sachner, "Miami Virtue," Architectural Record, 176 (May 1988): 122-129.
Arquitectónica—the name means "architectural" in Spanish—was responsible for placing Miami on the contemporary architectural map. In 1982, when the firm was only five years old, its row of fashionable condominium towers was completed on Brickell Avenue, and the people who could afford the $400,000 per unit could not move in fast enough. One of these towers, the Atlantis, became an icon—Miami's answer to an Eiffel Tower—partly due to its weekly appearance on the popular television show Miami Vice, This $11 million project was preceded by townhouses in Houston, a theater in Key West, an art gallery in Philadelphia, and an amusement park in Nigeria. Arquitectonica had its origins in the collaboration on the Pink House of Laurinda Spear and Bernardo Fort-Brescia, who would later become founding members of the firm, as well as husband and wife. As a student Spear, with the Dutch architect Ren Koolhaas, had received a Progressive Architecture award for the Pink House design in 1975; after Spear and Fort-Brescia's revisions, it was built in 1978 and received worldwide attention. The firm was overwhelmed with commissions by 1982.
Young Firm
The original firm was made up of a group of architects from Ivy League schools who were either friends or spouses. Spear, Fort-Brescia, and the other founder, Hervin Romney, were all in their thirties when they established the firm. They established a base in Miami, but to achieve their goal of becoming an inter-national firm they put satellite offices in Lima, Peru; Paris; and Hong Kong.
Flamboyant Style
Arquitectonica, and its lead designers Spear and Fort-Brescia, rejected some themes of the day, especially the historical eclecticism of postmodernism. Like the modernists, they preferred un-precedented, innovative structure, shocking viewers with bright primary colors, mirrors, and abstract geometric shapes with no references to the past. Their style has been called flashy and fantasy like. The prominent architect Philip Johnson described the firm as "the gutsiest team in the business."
Atlantis on Brickell
The Atlantis on Brickell is an arresting sight, with a thirty-seven-foot hole cut out of the middle of the mirrored rectangular building. The cut-out box frames a bright red spiral staircase, yellow walls, and a huge palm tree. Each side of the building is different, but they are all balanced visually with a red triangular roof on one side and yellow triangular balconies on the opposite side. The building holds ninety apartments and six duplexes on twenty floors. Four of the floors open to the cut-out space, which contains a whirl-pool, a hot tub, and a tremendous view. The bold, fun building set a new style for Miami Beach.
In Dade County, Florida, in 1988 Arquitectonica redefined American courthouse architecture with its first public building. Not wavering from its modernist stance, the firm designed the courthouse in an abstract style, with skylights, checkerboard floors, trapezoidal windows, and colors such as turquoise and purple. In an unmistakable nod to the Miami Moon motel a mile to the south, the firm placed three crescent-shaped windows in the roadside elevation. Local materials—stucco and tile—were used. Unlike the postmodernists, how-ever, Arquitectonica refused to make regional context a prominent feature of its buildings, instead striving for a classicism that could be repeated in any locale. Fort-Brescia describes the firm's idea of regional architecture: "We do want to create buildings that belong to Miami, but we don't want to imitate past architecture to be contextual. Our buildings try to capture a more intangible spirit of the place. That's what makes them timeless," In 1995 the firm competed against the postmodernist architect Michael Graves in a design competition for a $330 million skyscraper in Times Square in New York City; Arquitectonica won with a forty-seven-story glass tower.
Charles Gandee, "Plunging Ahead," Vogue, 185 (August 1995): 22.6-231, 272;
Sidney Le Blanc, 20th Century Architecture (New York: Watson-Guptill, 1993);
Paul M. Sachner, "Miami Virtue," Architectural Record, 176 (May 1988): 122-129.